Still, no answers, or relief for flood victims in Tampa Flordia, Georgia and other areas that have been horribly affected by passing hurricanes. Cities are under water, cars floating away, homes destroyed and several lives lost. Survivors are being denied help from FEMA and other government assistance. Meanwhile the Biden Administration continue to help illegal immigrants by providing financial funding for them to live comfortably. Not to mention the billions of dollars spent to help other countries fight a war that does not concern America. So why cant The Biden Administration cut a percentage of federal funding giving to illegals to help our own American people? I'm sure the Biden Administration will come up with an excuse of why that isn't possible. Flood victims continue to get overlooked. It is unclear why the Biden Administration cannot do more being as though they are the ones in position of power. They tend to often shift the blame on others and refuse to take accountability. Some flood victims are furious with the government who is currently in office. While I paid attention to what was actually said in several different interviews by those hit by the storm, they can't help but mention the fact that illegal immigrants are first priority. Survivors also stated, they don't care about us, they only care about money while referencing President Biden and VP Kamala Harris. It seems Kamala Harris isn't concerned because she is confident she will still win the election even though she is ignoring those crying out for help. With election day in less than 30 days my hopes is that more Americans see the lack of compassion Kamala has for those in dire need.